The 5 Things Great Leaders Must Do Very Well

Leadership is one of the truly hot topics in the corporate world. Can you believe that there are more than 17,000 books on leadership available on Amazon? That statistic tells me that there are no clear answers on the best way to lead a company, organization, or team. Given that I work extensively in both the corporate and sports world, where effective leadership is essential, I wanted to share my perspective on what makes a great leader.

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The seven most common CV lies revealed

BE HONEST. Have you ever fudged the truth on your CV? ‘Expanded’ your experience to make you seem more worldly? Or inflated your salary in order to get a bigger pay bump?

If you’re feeling guilty, you’re not alone.

A survey of more than 23,000 businesses by career matchmaking site OneShift found that more than 56 per cent had experienced staff lying on their CV. CEO Gen George said it’s surprisingly common how often people do it, whether its to boost their salary or improve their references.

“People do it because they want to impress and tick all the boxes. It’s about getting the interview and once they’re in the door they sell themselves on personality, but they feel they have to over-impress to get past that first barrier,” she said.

Here are the seven most common things people lie about:

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The Complete Guide to LinkedIn Etiquette

LinkedIn has developed a killer resource of 225 million users, one you absolutely should take advantage of when it comes to your career. But you’ll have to navigate LinkedIn’s potentially tricky tools and settings while you’re at it. Not to mention take care to maintain proper etiquette at all times. That’s a lot of pressure.

Chances are, if you do use LinkedIn, you’re approaching the network from a job seeker’s perspective — if not now, then in the future. Or maybe you’re a recruiter or a PR representative looking to network and pitch via LinkedIn.

No matter your background, let’s dissect some of the biggest etiquette dos and don’ts when logging into LinkedIn, the web’s largest professional network.

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LinkedIn reveals most overused buzzwords of 2013

LinkedIn have named their annual list of the most overused business buzzwords of 2013.

It takes into account the most common labels used by the 259 million people across 14 countries on the professional networking site. They are:

1. Responsible

2. Strategic

3. Effective

4. Creative

5. Innovative

6. Expert

7. Positive

8. Passionate

9. Driven

10. Dynamic

Source: LinkedIn.

It’s the fourth year the company has released the list, which has changed over the years.

“Extensive experience” was the most popular buzzword in 2010, followed by “creative” in 2011 and 2012.

LinkedIn said there are a series of things that can help you stand out from the crowd.

Consider the opposite: When deciding how to describe yourself, one of the quickest ways to decide what word to use is to think about the opposite. For example, you would never call yourself “ineffective” so “effective” is a given. The same goes for responsible.

Use results: When describing what you’re good at, use an actual example. Rather than telling people you’re creative, upload your latest presentation and let them see for themselves.

Use active language: Rather than saying what you are responsible for, show people how you delivered results. For example instead of saying “responsible for social media,” tell them how many followers you gained in a period of time.