Interview questions of the weird kind!
YOU’RE in the middle of a perfectly respectable job interview, talking about your work and career aspirations. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, you’re thrown a curveball:
“Name the seven dwarfs from Disney’s Snow White”.
You ask yourself, what does that have to do with anything?
Some employers are starting to ask prospective employees curly questions to see how they’ll respond. How you answer these types of questions gives interviewers insight into your thinking style, how quickly you react on your feet in unexpected situations and your personality, and how you are able to manage a tough situation.
Some other type of questions mentioned in recent articles on the subject:
• One a day-to-day basis, what number do you think of the most?
• What would you expect to see written on your gravestone?
• Are there wolves in Australia?
• How would you move three chairs from one end of the room to the other?
• What fruit best describes you?
• If you inherited an island, what would be the top three rules of the island?
OneShift founder and chief executive Gen George said: “Many employers are using these oddball questions to suss out if the candidate is quick on their feet. “They’re looking to get a feel for analytical thinking skills, how you respond under pressure, and what your general view of the world is.” Ms George said the trick to dealing with the questions is to take your time. She said the answer isn’t always the most important part, rather, the interviewer is looking for your process, so explain your rationale.